Blood Test To Detect Pregnancy Can You Take A Blood Test To Detect Pregnancy Too Early?

Can you take a blood test to detect pregnancy too early? - blood test to detect pregnancy

I had unprotected sex 2 weeks ago. I had very irregular basis my whole life, so I know I can rely on only one character. I also heard from other women who have irregular menstruation false negative HPT. I will simply cut and all just get the blood. Is it worth it? Blodd will test to detect a pregnancy so early?


Snowboar... said...

I do not think it is more accurate than it is now.
So do not worry about him, and maybe also to prove that in a week or 2 or 3

Mommy to 4 boys :) said...

I would wait until at least one week after the expected date of menstruation. I arrived later than ever before, so I took a HPT and neg so I waited a week and took another neg and I called my doctor and told me to come and get a blood test. So it was 1 week and 2 days after the date of my period of absence and were negative. I had some pain right side and spots, and it is feared that an ectopic pregnancy. The next day, gave me a pelvic exam and said it was 99% positive that she was not pregnant, back in only 2 days, because their level of HCG is doubling every 2-3 days. So I have .. and one was positive. Thus, not tested positive for a blood test before I had a week and a half late on my period. Many women can now be tested with a blood test and is right, but it is possible to test, too soon.

boosta said...

If a blood test detects early I went to the Dominican Republic as soon as my time of absence and 2 weeks after the AMS-i was not pregnant, but I'm

brielle_... said...

I do not think that a blood test detects pregnancy earlier than any HPT

estkijed... said...

If a blood test might work in the past. Talk to your doctor and see what he / she suggests.

chanel said...

It is best to make the conversation with your doctor to tell you the best x

njmom30 said...

Should probably wait several weeks before the test to be sure.

Good luck!

fairy123 said...

A blood test could detect early pregnancy, but it goes to your doctor if your concerns

crapinch... said...

Yes, I would like to SIS Planned Parenthood for free blood tests .... Good luck.

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